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The I-4 Ultimate Overview
Construction Limits:
  • 21 miles from west of Kirkman Road to east of SR-434
    • Area 4 – Altamonte: 6.4 miles
    • Area 3 – Ivanhoe: 4.9 miles
    • Area 2 – Downtown: 4.2 miles
    • Area 1 – Attractions: 5.7 miles

Design / Construction Cost:

  • $2.3 billion year-of-expenditure dollars

Project Improvements:

  • Reconstructs 15 major interchanges
  • Widens 13 bridges
  • Adds 53 new bridges
  • Replaces 74 bridges
  • Adds 4 dynamic tolled express lanes in the median
  • Completely rebuilds general use and auxiliary lanes along entire corridor
  • Increases posted speed to 55 mph

Construction Start:

  • February 2015

Estimated Completion:

  • Early 2021

FDOT with the I-4 Ultimate Scheduled Project dates in years to come:

Design notice to proceed: Third-quarter 2014
Construction notice to proceed: First-quarter 2015
Substantial completion: Fourth-quarter 2020
Final acceptance: First-quarter 2021
Tolls begin: 2020-2021